Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional

Jalan Kecak, No. 12, Gatot Subroto Timur - Bali


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University of Mulawarman visiting IPB Internasional

Rabu, 11 Maret 2020

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Tuesday, march 10th 2020

We are very glad to welcome the students of Mulawarman University, Faculty of Social and Politics. There are two agendas in their visitation to IPB Internasional such as Table Manner Class and Public Lecture, with topic of  “Developing Tourism Village” The instructure for table manner class was Bapak I Nyoman Sudiarta, S.E., M.M., and Ibu Komang Trisna Pratiwi Arcana, S.Tr.Par.,M.Par.,M.Rech., as the speaker for Public Lecture.
