Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional

Jalan Kecak, No. 12, Gatot Subroto Timur - Bali


[email protected]


IPB Internasional & Sekolah Perhotelan Bali Go To Pantai Mertasari (Konser Youth Night)

GRATIS BIAYA PENDAFTARAN  Racuuunnnn, Racuuunnnn, Racuuunnnn  IPB Internasional dan SPB akan open booth di konser Youth Night 4 pada: Hari/Tanggal...

Final Interview for J1 Program at The Setai Hotel USA Held at IPB Internasional's Auditorium

As a campus that focuses on developing student quality, IPB Internasional collaborates with domestic and foreign partners. This is a form of support for students who...

Food Production Operation "Demonstration of Making Tum" by Chef Samudera

IPB Internasional in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia. This is the second collaboration of Food Production Operation, presented by Mr. A.A....

Pendaftaran Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Tahun 2023 (PMM 3)

SYARAT PERTUKARAN MAHASISWA MERDEKA TAHUN 2023 (PMM 3)  Hii semua! Ada informasi penting khusus buat kamu yang sudah tidak sabar untuk mengikuti Program Per...

The Student's Basketball Club of IPB Internasional hosted a 3x3 Basketball Tournament 2023

On Friday, March 17th, 2023, our Student Basketball Club organized a 3x3 basketball competition, as part of IPB Internasional’s Youth Night series. The event w...

The Tum Creation Competition “Local with Pride” Held by the Diploma 3 of Hotel Operations

On Friday, March 17th 2023, the Tum Creation Competition was organized by the Diploma 3 of Hotel Operations, joined by all classes’ representatives. Celebratin...

Professional Competency Certification for Executive Chefs, hosted by Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pariwisata Bali Internasional (LSP PAR BI)

Today, March 24th 2023, LSP PAR BI organized professional certification at the meeting room of IPB Internasional, examining up to 10 executive chefs. In fact, Chef J...

Speech Competition 2023 by English Club IPB Internasional

YOUTH COMPETITION [English Club Speech Competition 2023]  Hello English Youths!  In order to enliven the IPB International Youth Night event, UKM En...

Richard Alexander The and Dia Aprillia Dua, Students of the Diploma III of Culinary Art, Participated in the 5th Indonesia Pastry Alliance (IPA) Bali’s Gathering and Anniversary

To celebrate the 5th Gathering and Anniversary, Indonesia Pastry Alliance (IPA)-Bali hosted a Cake Display Competition on March 12th, 2023. Several campuses and micr...

Korean Language Program, A collaboration between IPB Internasional and the Korean Center

Annyeong haseyo yeorobun! One needs to keep improving their skills. Learning a language supports this, as it opens up a window to the world, paving a path to self...